Delegates from government, NGOs, funding bodies and private firms shared their learning about implementing the Opens Standards in six different protected areas in Laos, April 2018.
Organized by the five year German-funded project, ‘Integrating Conservation and Biodiversity in Forests’, this very successful forum shared experience in developing and implementing plans for protected areas (NPAs) across the country, including the Nam Et Phou Louey NPA ,which has had several plan reviews based on their monitoring evidence.
Whilst conservation targets varied considerably across the different areas, the theories of change, the strategies and the monitoring needs showed many similarities.
It is proposed that follow up forums using Lao translations of the OS will be held to update and validate these similarities between NPAs. Further training to cement OS coaching and internalize these skills in Laos are also proposed.

Delegates attending the Open Standards forum, Vientiane April 2018