Photo Credit: The National Forestry Corporation (CONAF)
Safeguarding Chilean Palms – HONORABLE MENTION
2022 CMP Photo Story Competition Honorable Mention
by The National Forestry Corporation (CONAF), Chile

A park ranger rests after patrolling in the palm grove.
Guardaparque descansa después de patrullaje en palmar.

Chilean palm seed
Semilla de palma chilena

Palm seeds stolen from the national park being sold at the free fair in Valparaíso.
Venta de semillas de palma robadas desde el parque nacional, en feria libre de Valparaíso.

Park ranger confronts those who stole seeds from inside the park.
Guardaparque se enfrenta quienes realizan robo de semillas desde el interior del Parque.

The park’s planning team meets to visualize and plan, using the Conservation Standards, possible work strategies against the threat of seed extraction, within the framework of the construction of the management plan.
Equipo de planificación del parque se reúne para visualizar y planificar con Estándares para la Conservación posibles estrategias de trabajo contra la amenaza de extracción de semillas, en el marco de la construcción del plan de manejo.

Park rangers begin to monitor the key ecological attribute “palm regeneration” to determine the real impact of seed theft inside the park.
Guardaparques comienzan a monitorear el Atributo Ecológico Clave “regeneración de palma” para determinar el real impacto del robo de semillas al interior del parque.

Park rangers carry out periodic monitoring actions to assess the health status of the palm grove, through the key ecological attribute “regeneration.” Thirty monitoring plots are established.
Guardaparques realizan acciones de monitoreo periódicas para evaluar el estado de salud del palmar, mediante el atributo ecológico clave “regeneración”. Se logran establecer 30 parcelas de monitoreo.

Chilean palm in a state of regeneration, after 1-2 years of seed germination.
Palma chilena en estado de regeneración, luego de un tiempo entre 1-2 años de germinación de su semilla.

Chilean palm in an infant state, 4 to 5 years after the end of the germination process of its seed.
Palma chilena en estado infantil, luego de entre 4 a 5 años del término del proceso de germinación de su semilla.
Learn more about the winners in our 2022 photo story competition here.
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The Conservation Standards is the product of inputs, field tests, and discussions among members of the Conservation Measures Partnership (CMP), which has final editorial authority over the Conservation Standards. Substantial input was also provided by members of the Conservation Coaches Network (CCNet) and other CMP partners.
Photo Credit: Felix Cybulla
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Photo Credit: Felix Cybulla
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Photo Credit: Chris Scarffe
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Photo Credit: Nature Conservancy of Canada