

Miradi features on DEVEX

US-based international development forum DEVEX has featured an article in their "data-driven" series on "5 things to know before diving into data-driven decision-making" saying: Get started now and keep it...

CS v 2.0 now available in Ukrainian

Many thanks to Yaroslav Dovhanych from the Carpathian Biosphere Reserve (Ukraine) for this translation. In 2010 the Open Standards methodology and software Miradi was used in a joint project with...

CS v 3.0 now available in Indonesian

Thanks to the hard work of a few Indonesian colleagues, Version 3.0 of the Open Standards is now available in Indonesian (Bahasa).  We are grateful to Juliana Tomasouw, Arisetiarso Soemodinoto, Anisa Budiayu, Rizya…

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