Photo Credit: Jason Houston for USAID
In 2020, the Conservation Measures Partnership released version 4.0 of its flagship product, the Open Standards for the Practice of Conservation (Conservation Standards – CS). Version 4.0 reflects the collective knowledge, experience, and wisdom of the largest number and range of contributors of any version of the CS. For this update, CMP invested in professional formatting to ensure that the look and feel matched the quality of the technical content. In this context, CMP has prioritized the development of a series of short videos about the Conservation Standards to increase its usage across the globe.
See the videos below, and visit the Conservation Standards YouTube Channel!
General Conservation Standards Videos
Conservation Standards Testimonial Videos
Download CS
The Conservation Standards is the product of inputs, field tests, and discussions among members of the Conservation Measures Partnership (CMP), which has final editorial authority over the Conservation Standards. Substantial input was also provided by members of the Conservation Coaches Network (CCNet) and other CMP partners.
Photo Credit: Felix Cybulla
Support CS
The biodiversity conservation community is tackling large, complex, and urgent environmental problems where the stakes are high. However, we don’t have a fully functional system to assess the effectiveness of our actions. Without more rigorous measurement of effectiveness and disciplined recording of our efforts, we cannot know or demonstrate that we are achieving desired results.
Photo Credit: Felix Cybulla
Our Collaborators
Every organization, agency, project, and individual has its own preferred set of terms. There is no right answer – the most important thing is that the members of your project team and the people with whom you work have a clear and common understanding of whatever terms you choose to use.
Photo Credit: Chris Scarffe
Contact Us
To inquire about supporting Conservation Standards (CS) or for general inquiries, please contact us at
Photo Credit: Nature Conservancy of Canada