Aleutian and Bering Sea Islands

In April 2016, a two day workshop to introduce the Open Standards for the Practice of Conservation to the Aleutian and Bering Sea Islands Landscape Conservation Cooperative (ABSI) was run by Ian Dutton, Principal of Nautilus, an early facilitator of the Conservation Measures Partnership and a long-time OS trainer.

Landscape Conservation Cooperatives were founded in 2009 in an effort to network strategic goals and share information, identifying science gaps and formulating best practices without duplicating efforts. ABSI’s specific mission is to: “Promote coordination, dissemination, and development of applied science to inform conservation of natural and cultural resources in the face of climate change and other landscape-scale stressors.”

Ian facilitated the workshop, assisted by newly trained OS coaches Charla Sterne (USFWS) and Amanda Robertson (USFWS & Coordinator at NW Boreal LCC). Katherine Schake, Nautilus Program Associate, captured each working group’s discussion, analysis, and logic maps within the Miradi software (project management software specifically designed to accompany OS framework and display geospatial logic maps). This provided ABSI with a valuable summary of workshop knowledge and outputs for future sharing and continued discussion.

“We have a lot of preloaded knowledge in the group,” said Douglas Burn, Coordinator for ABSI, “A lot of these ideas have been floating around already, but now are settling into this framework.”