This excellent, thorough, evidence-based application of Steps 1 and 2 of the Open Standards applies to a small wildlife refuge in the United States – the Anaho Island National Wildlife Refuge.
Each step in the process is clearly explained with available literature and data used to support key decisions throughout the planning process.
It may be most relevant as an example for government agencies that are legally required to thoroughly document their management decisions.
Because the US Fish and Wildlife has a separate work plan, this is not included. There is also no explanation of how the refuge will practice adaptive management.
Citation: Hoffman, N., D. Withers, G. Block, C. Damberg, O. Richmond, K. Keller, S. Dulava, R. Esralew, E. Aceituno. 2015. Natural Resources Management Plan: Anaho Island National Wildlife Refuge. U.S. Department of the Interior, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Pacific Southwest Region Refuges Inventory and Monitoring Program.

Anaho Island. (insets white pelicans and smoothstem blazingstar)