For over 20 years, organizations worldwide have been using and collaboratively developing a common language and set of guidelines and tools to address diverse conservation problems through the Conservation Standards (CS). In parallel, many organizations have been developing corporate Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) frameworks aimed at developing a common language and set of guidelines and tools to help companies and financial institutions make changes needed for an equitable, nature and climate-friendly future. In fact, companies looking for standards for nature protection may now face the potential issue of there being too many choices.

Image Credit: Science Based Targets Network and Taskforce on Nature-related Financial Disclosures
This project aimed to create alignment between the CS and other nature-related frameworks, a process that involves aligning language, conceptual models, classification systems, and planning processes.
To learn more about this project, check out the Guidance Document, this webinar recording, and this CMP Workspace page.