This document provides a very good example of a simple approach to using results chains as a framework for a participatory, theory-based evaluation.
WCS (Wildlife Conservation Society) and FOS (Foundations of Success) developed draft results chains retrospectively to describe the theories of change behind each of WCS’ strategies and then worked with the project team to refine the results chains and rate progress to date toward specific results, using qualitative ratings (3 = a lot of progress; 2 = some progress; 1 = little progress; 0 = no progress; -1 = negative impact).
The team then discussed whether it made sense to continue investing in each strategy and, if so, what adjustments to make.
This document shows how to use Open Standards tools to evaluate a project, even though the project plan was not developed using the Open Standards.
CItation: Karl Didier, K, Stem, C. and Barrientos, C. 2017. WCS Equatorial Guinea Mid-Term Assessment and Strategic Planning Report. Wildlife Conservation Society, New York

Sharks are a key conservation target in Equatorial Guinea