Healthy Country Planning (~2019)

Healthy Country Planning is an adaptation of the Open Standards developed for use in participative and cross-cultural situations - typically with Indigenous communities. To better enable this, the language of the...

2018 Case Study Competition Winners! Blog Post

The inspiring Road Traveled in Chile:Lessons and Challenges in Strengthening Adaptive Management in a National System of Protected Areas won the 2018 Case Study Competition handsomely.

Forum to share learning of CS in Laos Blog Post

Delegates from government, NGOs, funding bodies and private firms shared their learning about implementing the Opens Standards in six different protected areas in Laos, April 2018. Organized by the five...

Miradi features on DEVEX Blog Post

US-based international development forum DEVEX has featured an article in their "data-driven" series on "5 things to know before diving into data-driven decision-making" saying: Get started now and keep it...