Results Chain Guide (2007)

Description: This short guide was developed to help understand and use results chain more effectively. It predates integration of human wellbeing and climate change into the Open Standards. It is a little theoretical as reality is seldom as linear as the examples, and does not address scaling effect well. Full citation: Foundations of Success. (2007). Using Results Chains to Improve Strategy Effectiveness An FOS How-To Guide. Foundations of Success. Bethesda Maryland, USA.

Objectives, Indicators and Monitoring Plan for Adaptive Management (2013)

Description: Part of the FOS Adaptive Management course, this guide covers the development of a monitoring plan in detail, starting with results chains to develop objectives, allocation of indicators and then consideration of approaches to monitoring and monitoring methods. It is vetted as excellent, but does not deal well the issue of “simple” versus “complex” situations and what those differences might look like. Also included here are breakout instructions for developing a monitoring plan. Full citation: Foundations of Success. (2013). Steps 2A and 2B Develop a Formal Action Plan: Objectives, Indicators and Monitoring. Foundations of Success. Bethesda Maryland, USA.

Objectives, Indicators and Monitoring Plan for Adaptive Management (2014)

Description: Part of the FOS Adaptive Management course, this guide covers how to use results chains to develop objectives, allocate indicators to them and go on to develop a monitoring plan, with consideration of methods. Also included here are breakout instructions. Full citation: Foundations of Success. (2014). Steps 2A and 2B Develop a Formal Action Plan: Objectives. Foundations of Success. Bethesda Maryland, USA.

Develop a Formal Action Plan: Results Chains (2014)

Description: This guide covers how to use results chains to test your assumptions of how your strategies are intended to change the situation.  This is also known as theory of change.  It uses shooting jaguars to protect cattle as an example to illustrate points. It is vetted as excellent, but does not demonstrate how results chains can be used to define activities or objectives – two outcomes from best practice. Also included here are breakout instructions. Full citation: Foundations of Success. (2014). Step 2A Develop a Formal Action Plan: Results Chains. Foundations of Success. Bethesda Maryland, USA.

Develop a Formal Action Plan: Goals (2013)

Description: This guide covers the very first step in developing a formal action plan – defining goals, using the Sacramento River Basin as an example to illustrate points. It is vetted as excellent, but does contain some confusion about whether goals should be time-bound or not.  Project goals should be, but desired future state (which is a goal) does not have to be.  It does not have guidance on how to manage situation where there is insufficient data. Full citation: Foundations of Success. (2013). Step 2A Develop a Formal Action Plan: Goals. Foundations of Success. Bethesda Maryland, USA.

Develop a Formal Action Plan: Goals and Strategies (2008)

Description: Part of the FOS Adaptive Management course, this guides the first step in developing a formal action plan – defining goals and strategies, using a marine example to illustrate points. Also included here is the breakout instructions for this step. Full citation: Foundations of Success. (2008). Step 2A Develop a Formal Action Plan: Goals and Strategies. Foundations of Success. Bethesda Maryland, USA.

Situation Analysis Using Conceptual Models (2012)

Description: Part of the FOS Adaptive Management Course, this powerpoint presentation guides how to do a situation analysis using conceptual models  It uses many examples to illustrate points, is vetted as excellent, but could make learning objectives more explicit and have better notes for the presenter. Also included here is instructions for a breakout session that includes consideration of ecosystem services and human wellbeing sourced from Australia. Full citation: Foundations of Success. (2012). Step 1D Conceptual Models. Foundations of Success. Bethesda Maryland, USA.