Conservation Standards and Collective Impact (2016)

This document relates Open Standards concepts and tools with those of the “Collective Impact” framework, which provides guidance for organisations tackling complex “adaptive” problems (such as conservation challenges) involving multiple partners. Since its initial publication in 2011, the model has been widely used and is credited with providing support to many successful initiatives.  The Open Standards community has often struggled with the implementation phase of projects, where efforts can dissipate or inadequate monitoring thwarts efforts for results-based management and adaptive learning. Leveraging the Collective Impact principles has the potential to strengthen project implementation.

Here is the link to the document, which is part of a comprehensive set of documents penned by Annette Stewart as part of her 2016 Fulbright Scholarship..

Full citation

Stewart (2016) Open Standards and Collective Impact – Aligning two frameworks to support projects tackling large and complex issues. Fulbright Scholarship, Melbourne Australia.

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