Full-cycle Adaptive Management in Australia’s Arid Rangelands (~2006)

Boolcoomatta is a conservation reserve that has been managed by Bush Heritage Australia for 10 years, during which time the management plan has cycled through three major adaptations based on analysis of implementation and results. Highly commended in the Case Study competition, some experiences and learnings from multiple iterations of the Open Standards cycle are outlined here. Nine years of monitoring data covering 3 updates of the evolving plan inform this analysis, assess the effectiveness of the plan, and measure impact. Background Boolcoomatta is located in the arid rangelands of north-east South Australia. The area has been home to the…

Conservation Action Planning Excel Workbooks (~2009)

Here you can access the original and the updated version of a comprehensive Excel workbook­, where users can enter planning data based on the Conservation Action Planning (CAP) process (a process that helped inform the Conservation Standards). The updated version, which can be used online, includes: Expanded Key Ecological Attribute (KEA) rating scales (that facilitate return on investment (ROI) assessments). Simpler Stress and Threat ranking approaches. A comparison scorecard for examining current health and future anticipated health (of Conservation Targets and KEAs), with or without action being taken. Two additional resources to check out are: An article on “Landscape Forecasting”,…

NatureServe Vista (~2004)

NatureServe Vista is a robust conservation assessment and planning software. It is an extension to ArcGIS 10.x in continuous release since 2004. The tool’s functions fit well with the spatial aspects of the Open Standards and it works well in a toolkit approach such as with Miradi, Marxan, InVEST and other conservation tools. It is also a multi-objective tool that facilitates finding balanced solutions when working with multiple use agencies or communities to represent their socioeconomic values. Vista supports the full planning cycle from gathering expert knowledge and spatial data, finding patterns of value in the landscape/seascape, conducting scenario-based cumulative…

20 Years and Counting: Adaptive Management of Chimpanzee Habitats in the Greater Gombe Ecosystem, Tanzania (2016)

This case study was winner of the 2016 Adaptive Management Case Study competition as it amply demonstrated the power of the Open Standards in refocusing effort according to evidence, the use of participatory spatial planning and for delivering results on the ground. In Chimpanzee habitat that occurs in village lands above Lake Tanganyika, the Jane Goodall Institute assessed their project situation using the steps of the Open Standards and realized some of their primary assumptions were misplaced and thus some strategies employed were less effective. Using participatory planning localized to each village community and with the aid of spatial mapping,…

Defining Outcomes and Indicators for Monitoring, Evaluation, and Learning Uses (2016)

Description: This how-to guide on defining outcomes and indicators for monitoring, evaluation, and learning uses the results chains developed in the USAID results chain guide. It provides help identifying key results for developing outcome statements and indicators. It is part of a three volume set. Full citation: United States Agency for International Development. (2016). Defining Outcomes & Indicators for Monitoring, Evaluation, and Learning in USAID Biodiversity Programming: An USAID Biodiversity How-To Guide. Environmental Incentives LLC. Washington DC, USA.Description: This how-to guide on defining outcomes and indicators for monitoring, evaluation, and learning uses the results chains developed in the USAID results…

Using Results Chains (2016)

Description: This how-to guide on results chains builds off the situation model guide. It helps design teams clearly depict the program’s theory of change by using results chains as a logic model that focuses on expected results and the programmatic assumptions behind proposed strategic approaches. It is part of a three volume set. Full citation: United States Agency for International Development. (2016). Using Results Chains to Depict Theories of Change in USAID Biodiversity Programming: An USAID Biodiversity How-To Guide. Environmental Incentives LLC. Washington DC, USA.

Developing Situation Models for Biodiversity Conservation (2016)

Description: This how-to guide focuses on how to develop situation models (aka conceptual models) to map out the biodiversity conservation problem context to be addressed. It is part of a three volume set. Full citation: United States Agency for International Development. (2016). Developing Situation Models in USAID Biodiversity Programming: An USAID Biodiversity How-To Guide. Environmental Incentives LLC. Washington DC, USA.