All Posts By

Claire Relton

New USAID Biodiversity Programming How-To Guides

The USAID E3/Forestry and Biodiversity Office has released three USAID Biodiversity Programming How-To Guides: 1) Developing Situation Models; 2) Using Results Chains to Depict Theories of Change; and 3) Defining Outcomes and…

Australian CCNET Muster

Adelaide Zoo was the fitting venue for 25 Australian conservation practitioners who met early August to better suit the Open Standards to Natural Resource Management (NRM) planning, share innovations and...

Miradi features on DEVEX

US-based international development forum DEVEX has featured an article in their "data-driven" series on "5 things to know before diving into data-driven decision-making" saying: Get started now and keep it...

CS v 2.0 now available in Ukrainian

Many thanks to Yaroslav Dovhanych from the Carpathian Biosphere Reserve (Ukraine) for this translation. In 2010 the Open Standards methodology and software Miradi was used in a joint project with...
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